Neighborhood Travels

Tournament of Roses Events

For years, when I heard the name Tournament of Roses, I  thought of the New Year’s Day parade.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.  In December, my daughter and I attended two other outings.

Float Decorating!

The first adventure was something new; we decorated a float!  Several people had gathered to volunteer for this event.   Once inside the vast warehouse staging area, a woman assigned the volunteers to the floats.  We had already signed up to work on the Pasadena Humane Society entry, so we followed her to our location.

Our float for the next four hours!

For 30 minutes or more, I crawled behind that sign as I attempted to glue yellow lentils on the wall.  Thank goodness someone finally came and removed it!  That ledge was narrow!  I’m not complaining as we could have been working on the bottom section of the yellow wall.

Our glueing area!

The above photo does show our tools:  A plastic container of white paste, our box of lentils, and the small white square is our applicator.  I applied the glue, and my daughter dabbed the lentils in place.  It was a messy business!

Yes, the dogs and cats also needed seeds

The dogs and cats were above us.  Would I enjoy sitting on a scaffold?  Perhaps I’ll stick to the lower areas.   For the record, I was a gluey mess at the end of our shift.  That innocent-looking paste wasn’t as washable as we were told!  I still have it smeared on my jeans.  No amount of scrubbing has made a differnce.


Our second event was Equestfest, held at the at the Equestrian Center in Burbank.  We’ve attended this in prior years, and I can recommend the show.  The equestrian units displayed their creative skills and horsemanship but first we saw the Rose Queen.

he Rose Queen, Lindsay Charles, and her court

The show lasts aobut two hours,  but I won’t include too many photos.  My favorite unit was the Marine Corp Mounted Color Guard.   Can you guess the music?  The Marine Corps Hymn!

The United States Marine Corps Color Guard

While I enjoyed the Marines, most of the audience probably preferred the Painted Ladies Equestrian Drill Team.  Yes, that’s pink glitter on the horse’s rump!

Painted Ladies!

Both events were great fun. Would I do it again next year? Well, I’m keeping those gluey jeans just in case.  To see more images, please click here.

Elizabeth Boatman

Traveler, explorer, memory maker and someone who's just downright curious about stuff. It's all about finding joy.

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  • I guess we tend to forget how much work goes into putting together one of those floats.

    Love the Horse Marines !!

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