My recent travels took me to Costa Mesa, CA and the Orange County Fairgrounds where I explored the Quilt, Craft & Sewing Festival. It was my first visit to this location, but it won’t be my last. The event was great. What’s not to like about a hangar filled with color?
I should probably disclose that I’m the worst seamstress on the planet. I’ve made three or four quilts, but my skills are shakey. I can almost piece, that is sew the fabrics together, but when it comes to adding batting and quilting, all ability evaporates. Nonetheless, I love looking at the materials and the creations of talented quilters.
Quilt Fabric!
I don’t have an exact count, but I think there must have been about forty to fifty exhibitors on hand. Most were selling fabric.

It was hard to resist buying a few packages of these versatile fabrics. They are high quality, precut (a bit bigger than a quarter-yard), and ready to use in one’s project. Of course, I don’t have a project. Whew, that was close!
Quilts in the Attic, another exhibitor, had a different fabric spin. They used ribbon to fashion flowers. This piece was on the wall, but they sold the kit.

If you’re going to purchase all these kits and fabric, you’re going to need a sewing machine. Taking up both sides of one aisle was Moore’s Sewing Centers ready to help you with whatever kind of machine you want.

It’s time for another disclosure, I know George Moore, and he’ll make one the best deals possible. I can’t figure out how he does it. The photo above is an embroidery machine, but George also had sergers, long-arm quilter, table-top quilters, and regular sewing machines. Oh, and smaller embroidery machines, too.
I discovered something new when I stopped by the booth of Chalk Couture, where a woman was demonstrating stencils.

The “chalk” in the photo above will disappear when washed with water. The company also has an ink that can be used to make permanent designs, similar to silkscreening. I took a photo of the booth to illustrate the possibilities.

I’ve always liked jelly rolls. Not the kind you eat, but the circular two and a half-inch strips. I should have known I was in trouble when I stumbled upon the booth for The Quilt House. There I found something called a “Jelly Roll Rug.” Oh dear, I had to know more.

I knew I would never make a rug, but I could use some Christmas placemats. Each strip is folded over some batting and then stitched. Twenty folded strips make a placement. What can I say? I purchased the roll, the tools, the batting, and later ordered thread and bobbins. I’m committed to making these things! I hope I can figure out the pattern.
What’s next?
The show is moving on to Tuscon, Arizona, the weekend of November 7th, and will end the 2019 season with the big show in Puyallup, Washington, starting November 21st. As for this recent event in Costa Mesa, you can see more images by clicking here.
When I first saw the headline, I was startled. Had to wonder what the Orange County Guilt Show could possibly be. Then my brain kicked in and, well, I understood.
Don’t scare me like that! I had to look twice at the title to see if I had a typo. Did I misspell quilt elsewhere in the text. I’m paranoid about my typing.
No, it was my malfunctioning brain, not your malfunctioning typing skills. When you get to be my age, you’ll understand these little mental lapses.
You’re so funny.