It’s September and that means it’s time for the fair! Of course everyone is wondering about the latest food craze. What strange combinations will be on sale this year? Will they top
the deep fried Snickers Bar or the deep fried butter? I love visiting the Los Angeles County Fair just to check out the food stalls. I don’t eat the things they have to offer, but I do enjoy looking at them! Partly the appeal is curiosity as I too want to see “what will they come up with next?” Well this year the tasty treats seemed to focus on bacon.

What’s that? You don’t care for sausage wrapped bacon? Well, you can get the sausage plain. And you can probably get just the bacon if you ask for it. But if you crave something more exotic how about this? Bacon and Nutella!

I had to check this out so I stopped to chat with the vendor. The actual bun looks like a large Panini and it was slathered with Nutella and sprinkled with bacon, just as the sign indicated. No false advertising. Surely this was a family sized bun?
If you’re wondering about healthier options, there was chicken. Lots and lots of chicken. I don’t think I’ve ever before seen so many chickens set up in one stall.

And for dessert you have a choice. You can try something sweet from the booth I dubbed “the pink booth” or you could get something a little more natural at the Berries booth. I liked the pink colors in the following photo, especially so when the lady and little girl arrived. They were meant for that place.

As to the Berries place, well they do have fresh fruit, so count me in on that one. Or you could try something a little more daring like a seasonal caramel apple.

There are so many food options at the fair! One can’t possibly try everything. And in the end I get my thrill from just looking at the booths. I love the color and excitement each has to offer much more than I fancy the actual product that’s being sold.
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